Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pen Sketches

I tend to sketch in ball-point pen quite often these days, and these are some of the things that I've been doing. The handsome guy in the upper left is based off of a person I'd seen at my local Starbucks. He looked so unique that couldn't help but draw him. The girl with the glasses is Heather from the webcomic Spinnerette. I'm a huge fan of that series so I knock out an odd sketch or two of the characters from time to time. The happy looking lady on the bottom left is an original character of mine named Cheriour; more on her some other time. The elf in the armor is Sirius Frost. She is a character from a D&D game I GM'ed a while back. There will be more of her in the future too.

As for materials, it doesn't get much more basic than this. A Bic ball-point pen and basic 8.5 X 11 in. plain white printer paper. These drawings are a bit on the small side though and are kluged together from other pieces, hence the slight difference in tone for some of them.

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